The Table
I wanted to try and give a talk straight to camera. I have seen a few preachers try it this year, so I wanted to have a go. On Sunday, instead of coming to the building, we met in people’s homes. Those who came were asked to bring food or drink to share as we ate brunch together. I wanted people to practice hospitality, not just hear a message on it. The message I gave was short. I filmed it around my table, and thankfully it didn’t take that long. I got it in one take (but I need to learn more about editing)! This is probably a recurring theme in my teaching, but I just want to keep highlighting how God can be found everywhere. So, I spent time reflecting on my table, and I talked briefly about how the early church was known for hospitality. I really believe this is a practice we need to re-learn. I would love to spend a whole year exploring hospitality as our overarching teaching theme. One day!
Here are some resources for those who want to think about it in the meantime, which I re-read as I prepared:
- Christine D. Pohl, Living into Community: cultivating practices that sustain us
- Christopher Smith and John Pattison, Slow Church: cultivating community in the patient way of Jesus
- Anna Woofenden, This is God’s Table: tending church beyond the walls