
Social Justice

A passion for justice is a strong fibre running through the fabric of our church. As followers of Jesus, and as agents of hope for the poor, we are committed to walking humbly with our God, prioritising love, mercy and justice. We believe that being advocates for the poor and marginalised is central to our core mission as Christians.

Through our partnerships with Baptist World Aid and Micah Australia our vision is to see people’s hearts transformed for the global poor and oppressed, both within our church and wider community.

We are excited by the opportunity and responsibility we have to continue the revolutionary and counter-cultural work of justice that Jesus started.  We are passionate about uniting as a church body to use our individual gifting to play our part in alleviating global poverty and standing up for justice.  Our hope is that our church is a beacon of light in our local community on the Northern Beaches as we reach out to encourage and empower people to take personal action to alleviate global poverty.



At Seaforth Baptist we want to see people becoming disciples of Jesus. We want to see people growing in faith, their character being transformed as they work with God’s Spirit to be more like Jesus. One of the ways we both disciple and show care for one another is through a one-on-one mentoring relationship.



We encourage everyone, young and old to get involved in discovering their gifts and serving the church and wider community. We partner with One Meal on the Northern Beaches helping cook meals for the vulnerable in our community.


Throughout the year there are opportunities to engage in contemplative worship and personal devotions. We want to help people to develop good habits from which their character can continue to be transformed to be more like God intends.

Culturally Relevant


We want to help our neighbourhood to flourish so we have set up a street library right near the bus stop outside of the church building. This is a simple way we can enrich and connect with our local community.



We encourage everyone, young and old to get involved in God’s mission both locally and globally. One of the ways we equip people is by financially supporting cross-cultural workers. We partner with Baptist Mission Australia.  (

Sing for Joy

We have a community choir on Tuesday mornings from 10.30am to midday for people living with dementia and their carers. Come and join us as we sing old songs together before sharing morning tea.
