Susy and The Justice Games
What has God been calling you to pursue this year?
Over ten years ago I started work on a book of activities and conversations for kids. Lacking confidence, it just sat on my bookshelf. My work in the intervening years has revolved around families and justice work and ideas have been developing. The cycle has been God prompts and I get distracted! Finally, this year I’ve been working on the book in a new ‘families’ version and it’s due to go to the editor by 1 Jan 2021.
The book will go hand-in-hand with an idea God has inspired me with: to resource family events full of meaningful fun. Penny helped by naming them ‘The Justice Games.’ They will cover specific themes like consumerism, conflict resolution, wealth inequality, impact of technology and lots more. The idea will be that churches can run them, but they will be aimed at community development – blessing families in our local community.
How has Seed been helpful?
I was part of the Seed Incubator program this year. I had a coach and materials to help me put structure around my idea and build it into something that could really fly. It was wonderful being part of a cohort of entrepreneurs seeking to build the Kingdom of God in various ways.
What are your hopes and dreams for the Justice Games?
I think churches do a great job with families and that this is something we could be known for and helpful with in our community. Ultimately, I hope to inspire more families to build strong family communication and a sense of purpose. I’d like families to be more involved in social justice – to be aware of the influence of our culture and feel empowered to be a force for good!
How can we be praying for you?
It’s quite hard to keep emotionally confident and creative when I’m all alone in my home office. Please pray that I will be reassured that this is God’s idea and so He will help make it happen. Mainly music has partnered with me and we are seeking seed funding to really get The Justice Games off the ground, so that would be a good prayer point too!
Do you have a story to share about how God is at work in your life? What is God calling you to do?