2020 Sermons

If you have time over the summer break you might want to catch up on any sermons you missed during the year. Our most popular sermons tend to be from our guest preachers, and we’ve been fortunate enough to have a few come and visit us this year. Pip Miner’s sermon ‘God is Near’ (Acts 17) had a lot of re-listens as did John Cavanough’s Parable of the Fig Tree and Andrew Palmer’s Expectations sermon. You can also catch up on sermons given by Brooke Prentis, Mike Frost, Belinda Lakelin, Michael Laverty, and Marbuen Diaz. The other sermons that people listened to online which were popular tend to be linked to big events. Two of the biggest events this year was the first Sunday we were in lockdown and we met over zoom I preached on Luke 19 (It’s not about me), and the second big event was our baptism service (Baptism Sunday). The least listened to sermons, not surprising since they are the newest, is our Jonah three week series which we just finished. I hope you have had time to listen and spend time in God’s Word in this difficult year, and that these sermons have encouraged you in some small way.

God Bless,
